Contact Us

This site and the company’s corp information are being used by a non-authorized source to legitimize SCAM job offers.

DO NOT RESPOND IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED TEXT/EMAIL CONTACT ABOUT A JOB OFFER in Honolulu – or anywhere out of country. If there is no interview or personal contact from the company, but offers to send money ahead are made, this is a SCAM.

Be part of the solution to stop this: Report any email (from a Gmail address)- with offers like this- as phishing to GMAIL. This can be done from the Gmail site. Do NOT share any personal information or respond otherwise.

President & CEO



80 Spadina Avenue, Suite 405, Toronto Ontario M5V2J4
(MAILING ADDRESS ONLY – for packages being couriered
please first contact Shannon Annett 416-966-2711 x1)

tel 416.966.2711   fax 416.966.2711